Blohg is a blog engine written in Python.
It has Flask, Jinja2, docutils, Mercurial in its basis. Comment system is external, via disqus.
For me it has this advantages:
I don't like to describe how to install something, but in gentoo it's just one command (Rafael G. Martins - author of blohg - is gentoo developer) (while I looked at his site, I saw many goodies, I'll try to get to know them and describe here):
$ emerge blohg
Create repository:
$ blohg initrepo --repo-path my_blohg
Set up settings in config.yaml, tune up templates (in templates directory).
After that, write posts (in content/post directory), create attachments (in content/attachments) and commit changes.
Clone repo to remote host:
$ hg clone my_blohg ssh://user@yourdomain.tld/path/to/my_blohg/
I use lighttpd as web-server.
fastcgi.debug = 0 fastcgi.server = ("/" => ( "blohg" => ( "socket" => "/tmp/blohg-fcgi.sock", "bin-path" => "/var/www/blohg.fcgi", "check-local" => "disable", "fix-root-scriptname" => "enable" ) ) ) alias.url = ( "/static/" => "/var/www/blog/static" ) url.rewrite-once = ( "^(/static.*)$" => "$1", "^(/favicon.ico.*)$" => "/static$1", )
Contents of /var/www/blohg.fcgi (python module flup is needed):
#!/usr/bin/python from flup.server.fcgi import WSGIServer from blohg import create_app if __name__ == '__main__': application = create_app('/path/to/my_blohg') WSGIServer(application).run()
In post about my server I wanted to make strikeout text, but sadly reStructuredText don't support that. I patched docutils, here's a patch. But I want to move this functionality to blohg.
UPD: Done, changeset.
UPD2: Done properly. There is standard way to define custom roles which only adds class to <span> tag:
.. role:: strikeout :class: strikeout
Or you can add a block to container with strikeout class:
.. container:: :class: strikeout
I made a fork of blohg on, to publish my changes: fork. More precisely, I made a fork of Ry4an's repository, because Rafael serves hg repository from his own server.
Looked at rst-resume, I want to publish my resume at this site.
© Anton Novosyolov | Design by: Matthew James Taylor | Powered by: blohg 0.10.1_multilang+/2fc5a1d551a5+