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After post about QR-codes, version without using Google Chart API.
qrcode - to make QR-code and display it - desktop version:
#!/bin/bash qrencode -o /tmp/qr.png feh /tmp/qr.png rm /tmp/qr.png
qrcode - to make QR-code and display it - N900 version:
#!/bin/bash qrencode -o /tmp/qr.png phone-control --browse file:///tmp/qr.png
Changes between versions is minimal - different image viewer.
On desktop you should install media-gfx/qrencode and feh (or change script to use different viewer), on N900 - qrencode and phone-control (both from extras-devel).
$ qrcode < file $ qrcode text text2 Ctrl-D
On N900 I added DCEW widget to invoke qrcode.
sh -c "osso-xterm -e /home/user/.bin/qrcode &" | echo ""
Reading of QR-codes is remained as it was.
UPD: qrcode-clip - reads from clipboard, both on N900 and on desktop:
#!/bin/bash clip=`xclip -o -selection clipboard` if [ "$clip" != "" ]; then echo "$clip" | qrencode -o /tmp/qr.png phone-control --browse file:///tmp/qr.png fi
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