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In my free time I like to listen to podcasts and watch TV shows. But I think most of them I can watch/listen accelerated.
So as not voices to be squeaky, I used SoundStretch. It can, among other things, increase tempo of sound, without increasing pitch.
I don't have quick computer on hand with Linux onboard, so I wrote recoding scripts to be used under Windows (differences are minimal).
For podcasts I use 33% acceleration, for TV shows - 20%.
mp3-acceleration script:
lame --quiet --decode input.mp3 - | soundstretch stdin stdout -tempo=+33 -speech | lame --quiet -m a -cbr -b 64 --resample 24 - output.mp3
avi-acceleration script:
mplayer input.avi -dumpaudio -dumpfile temp.mp3 lame --quiet --decode "temp.mp3" - | soundstretch stdin stdout -tempo=+20 -speech | lame --quiet -m a -cbr -b 64 --resample 24 - "temp1.mp3" mencoder input.avi -nosound -speed 1.2 -o temp.avi -ovc copy mencoder temp.avi -o output.avi -ovc copy -oac mp3lame -audiofile temp1.mp3 del temp.mp3 del temp1.mp3 del temp.avi
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